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Child protection policy(Child Protection Policy)
Dance World Cup is an amateur international dance competition that helps create thousands of educational performance opportunities for children and young people around the world each year.

Dance World Cup is committed to ensuring a safe environment for children and young people and considers it always unacceptable for children and young people to experience abuse of any kind. We recognize our responsibility to protect the welfare of all children and young people and are committed to recommending the best ways to protect them.

This policy applies to our Board of Directors, paid staff, judges, volunteers, students, or anyone acting on behalf of Dance World Cup, Inc.

We recognize that:

The welfare of children/youth is of paramount importance.
All children have the right to equal protection from harm and abuse of any kind, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial background, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity.
Partnerships with children, young people, their parents, carers and other stakeholders are essential to promoting young people's well-being.

Policy purpose

To protect children and young people participating in the Dance World Cup.
Providing staff and volunteers with guidance on the procedures to adopt if they believe a child or young person is at risk of, or at risk of, harm.

We strive to protect children and young people by:

Value, listen to, and respect children.
Adopt child protection guidelines through procedures and safe working practices for staff and volunteers.
Share information about child protection and safe working practices with children, parents, staff and volunteers.
Share information about concerns with need-to-know authorities and engage parents and children appropriately.
Recruit staff and volunteers safely and carry out all necessary checks.
Effectively manage staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training.

Dance World Cup, Inc. reviews this policy annually in February in line with SafeNet guidance or in response to changes in legislation or guidance. All changes will be communicated to staff prior to the start of the Dance World Cup event.

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